This was under a bridge, and there was supposed to be more pictures to choose from. Unfortunately some assholes decided it would be funny to shoot the random guy with the camera with a pellet gun about 1 minute after this was taken, which wouldn't have been such a huge deal even if it wasn't for the two little girls riding there bikes by that got caught in the mess too. Oh well.
A shot of Hyde Creek just off Coast Meridian. The shadows at the end of the creek being all human-like and not blurred on a 30s shot was really cool to me.
Quick shot after a long night of studying. It kinda turned out neat cause to me it seems to invert and almost look like one of those googly eyes if you look at it the right way.
I haven't done one of these for the challenge yet and I've always wanted to take a picture off this overpass (Mary Hill). Unfortunately it's fenced so the shot opportunities are fairly slim, had to major vignet it just to get the fence out of it.